The Opportunity Zones Podcast

Grow Your Wealth With Opportunity Zone Investments

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Featured On The Opportunity Zones Podcast

White House
Economic Innovation Group
Urban Catalyst
Capital Square
U.S. Department of the Treasury

About The Opportunity Zones Podcast

What Listeners Say

The Opportunity Zones Podcast is rated 5.0 stars — based on 82 ratings on Apple Podcasts.

Great show

Jimmy does a great job explaining all the ins and outs of opportunity zones. If you are considering this as an investment path, I highly recommend this show!
Apple Podcasts listener Paige
March 7, 2023

2 thumbs up

Great podcast if you're trying to learn anything and everything about Opportunity Zones.
Apple Podcasts listener Nick
March 1, 2023

Great podcast

Jimmy does a great job presenting on a very relevant subject. Really interesting guests and a must listen if you’re in alternative investments.
Apple Podcasts listener Droppinloadzzz
October 8, 2020

Opportunity Zone Treasure Trove

Without peer as a resource that is current and deep in the Opportunity Zone industry. Keep up the outstanding work!
Apple Podcasts listener Y2856Y
June 15, 2019

Top notch guests, host and format

Jimmy has this show dialed in. Best info source in the market for Opportunity Zones and one of the top real estate investment podcasts.
Apple Podcasts listener tmoindustries
March 20, 2019

Clear, concise, informative & entertaining

Jimmy Atkinson does a great job presenting valuable information that can be difficult if not impossible to find elsewhere.
Apple Podcasts listener unangelino
December 26, 2018

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About The Host

Hi, I’m Jimmy Atkinson, founder of OpportunityDb and host of The Opportunity Zones Podcast. I am passionate about impact investing and tax-advantaged investment opportunities. At the crossroads of these two ideals is the Opportunity Zones program.

I believe that the OZ initiative is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to economically transform some of the poorest areas of the United States. I started OpportunityDb and the Opportunity Zones Podcast with the objective of helping you learn more about the risks and opportunities involved in Opportunity Zone investing.

Jimmy Atkinson
Almost there!
Opportunity Zones Podcast

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